SLCP deep-dive classroom training

SLCP deep-dive classroom training

Delighted to share that our team at International Associates Limited in Bangladesh recently accomplished a comprehensive SLCP deep-dive classroom training on December 15th, 23. This invaluable session, offered at no cost, brought together a diverse array of stakeholders including manufacturers, buying agents, and brand liaison offices.

The training was structured across eight modules, each designed to provide a thorough understanding:

  • Introduction to SLCP
  • Introduction to CAF
  • Introduction to E-Learning Registration
  • Introduction to Gateway + Ahs
  • VOO + Quality Assurance
  • Deep Dive into SLCP Data Collection Tool
  • Deep Dive into SLCP Verification
  • Stakeholder Experiences

The Social & Labor Convergence Program (SLCP) stands as a pivotal multi-stakeholder initiative fostering data sharing, obviating the necessity for repetitive social audits. At International Associates Limited, our commitment lies in empowering global supply chain stakeholders through capacity-building initiatives. We firmly believe these endeavors catalyze the enhancement of labor employment practices and working conditions worldwide.

The engagement and enthusiasm displayed by participants during this training are indicative of our collective dedication towards fostering positive change in the industry.

#SLCP #StakeholderEngagement #CapacityBuilding #SupplyChainSustainability #ImprovingWorkingConditions #GlobalImpact #IndustryInitiatives

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